About Us

We met at a New Year’s party a few years after high school. Simeon ​was busy keeping an eye on his friends who were having a little too ​much fun when he noticed a beautiful lady standing alone as the ​clock struck midnight.

That serendipitous moment was all it took for Simeon to fall head-​over-heels for her. Ashley's warm personality and great sense of ​humor perfectly complemented Simeon's, and we quickly discovered ​that our unique styles blended seamlessly.

At the time we met, Ashley was already a devoted mother to a ​wonderful young boy, Jacob. Simeon was warmly welcomed into their ​lives, and he found himself happier than ever.

Our courtship was brief, as we both knew early on that we were ​meant to be a family. We were married in April 2006 in Cody, ​Wyoming, with the breathtaking beauty of Yellowstone National Park ​as our backdrop.

Not long after our wedding, we were blessed with twin boys, Roman ​and Olivier, adding even more joy and love to our growing family.